Regular vs. Cadet Golf Glove Sizing
Which size golf glove is right for me?

Many golfers wear gloves that don’t fit properly without even knowing it! Cadet sizes are often a solution to the problem, offering a different hand shape profile than regular sized gloves to account for different palm sizes and finger lengths. Let’s take a closer look:
What it means: Regular vs. Cadet
It is estimated that more than 20% of golfers require a cadet-sized glove – but most have never been introduced to the term. Cadet size gloves have slightly shorter finger lengths and a wider palm and back of the hand relative to “regular” size gloves.
What does an ideal fit feel like?
The ideal fit is a glove that lies slightly taut over the palm of the hand and around the fingers- and is not loose on the wrist or has excess room in the fingertips. A properly fitted glove feels like a second skin, especially with the Vice Pure leather gloves. Make sure the closure on the back of the hand does not completely cover the velcro surface so that you can retighten the glove if necessary when the leather gets worked in and expands. A glove should give you maximum grip to allow more control over the club and stability in your swing. If the glove doesn’t fit properly it becomes inefficient in aiding your hand and will wear more easily.
Playing in wet conditions
Leather gloves can get the job done in light rain, but in order to ensure longevity, let the glove dry at home at room temperature after the round, and don’t try to heat it up or leave it in your bag! This causes stiffening and tearing of the leather. Have some backup gloves ready to go in the bag to make sure you’re always covered!